The Current State of Healthcare Benefits

Recently, two surveys were published with great insights into the importance of health insurance benefits: “2022 Emerging Trends in Health Care Survey” from Willis Towers Watson, Spring 2022 “2022 Health at Work: A Report from Quest...
PCORI Filing Due to IRS by August 1, 2022

PCORI Filing Due to IRS by August 1, 2022

Sponsors of self-funded health benefit plans, including Individual Health Reimbursement Arrangements (ICHRAs), please be aware that the annual PCORI filing and fee payment are due August 1, 2022 for plans that ended in 2021. Normally, the fee is due on July 31 of the...

ICHRAs and SEPs: Leveraging ICHRA Classes

This is the 3rd post in a series on ICHRAs and SEPs. Links to others can be found below. Over the past few weeks, we have posted a few items on Individual Coverage HRAs (also known as ICHRAs) and Special Enrollment Periods (SEPs). We recently got asked about how this...

ICHRAs and SEPs: How Companies can Benefit

In a previous post, we looked at how offering an Individual Coverage Health Reimbursement Arrangement (also called an Individual Coverage HRA or ICHRA) opens up a Special Enrollment Period (SEP) for employees. Meaning an employer can offer ICHRAs outside of an Open...